TOMODACHI J&J Disaster Nursing Training Program 2019 Post-Trip Seminar Held in Sendai
Almost one month after the U.S. trip, the TOMODACHI J&J Disaster Nursing Training Program Post-Trip Seminar took place from September 21 to 22, 2019 at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science at Tohoku University in Sendai. The seminar had two aims: support participants as they revise their project plans and help them prepare for the Post-Trip Symposium. The students also had opportunities for discussion and to take part in a workshop.
On the first day, participants focused on their project plans. Inspired by the idea of “sharing lessons learned on the U.S. trip with their communities,” participants have been tackling their projects since they returned to Japan. The Post-Trip Seminar offered an opportunity for participants to introduce their plans and report on their progress implementing their projects. Despite a variety in project theme, scale and progress, the participants were able to help one another find ways to improve their projects and clearly explain their plans.
A 2016 program graduate (alumni), Haruki Sawada, shared her experiences planning and implementing her plan, and ways to keep moving forward after the U.S. trip. Following her presentation, using the advice of mentors and alumni, participants worked to revise their plans to motivate themselves and find success with their projects.
On the second day, the students discussed and prepared for the Post-Trip Symposium. They first reviewed what they learned during the U.S. trip, in order to re-evaluate the goals they set during the First Pre-Trip Session. From this perspective, they considered questions such as, “What do I feel about my project?” and “What message do I want to convey the most?” Then, participants discussed the theme of the Post-Trip Symposium in groups.
In the afternoon, they worked on the program outline of the Post-Trip Symposium. The program outline is completed by all of the participants together, compiling the program outline, as well as what the students learned and their opinions. One representative student led the discussion, helping create the structure of the outline and its content.
Upon finishing the Post-Trip Seminar, the students will work to implement their projects and prepare for the Post-Trip Symposium as they work toward the culmination of the program in December.