TOMODACHI Generation: Yukinori Shitautsubo
Yukinori Shitautsubo visited Seattle, Washington as a participant of the TOMODACHI FIRST Program. Born in Hironocho in Iwate, Shitautsubo has 7 years of corporate experience.
After 7 years, he could not resist the urge to do something in his hometown and follow his entrepreneurship-oriented mind. Shitautsubo founded his own company Hirono-ya in 2010 to market local seafood. Within 1 year of his new journey, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, right when his company was becoming established. After contributing to post-earthquake recovery in his hometown, he reconstructed his company and Shitautsubo was featured in a well-known magazine as being one of the top “100 people who will change the future of Japan.”
The North Sanriku area is unsuitable for aqua farming because it faces the broad ocean. Thus, most fishermen also have a side job. Since it is difficult to make good business, there are few young people succeeding their parents in that career. In addition, he found that people around him are likely to depend on other people. He developed a desire to change this situation. He decided to motivate others by taking action and serving as an example for possible future successors. He tries to do new things that other people don’t do.
His theme is “cooperation,” so through the TOMODACHI FIRST program, Shitautsubo got inspiration from mentors and established a connection with people living all over Japan, including metropolitan areas as well as people in the Sanriku area. In his future, he hopes to sell products “Made in Kitasanriku” and create a global brand.
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