TOMODACHI Women’s Leadership Program Expands to Osaka
This program, which the TOMODACHI Initiative manages together with support from U.S. Embassy Tokyo and Consulate General Osaka, launched its Osaka chapter on October 25. The enthusiasm in the air was palpable as the 9 college-aged women met their mid-career professional female mentors for the first time and embarked upon a six-month journey that will include professionally facilitated sessions on developing leadership and networking skills, a financial literacy course, and one-on-one mentor-mentee meetings.
Yvonne Davis, an internationally recognized leadership development coach, helped set the stage for the entire program by delivering a keynote presentation on the importance of women’s leadership in the workplace and society at large. Davis highlighted different types of leadership styles and urged participants to “know your authentic selves,” be self-confident, and develop an individual leadership style. She emphasized that becoming a leader requires hard work, and that it is important for women leaders to affirm and support one another throughout this process.
The remaining program sessions will further develop these ideas and provide participants with the tools, mentorship, and support to become stronger leaders in their respective communities.
- For more information on this program, click here