New USJC President and CEO Audrey Yamamoto meets with TOMODACHI alumni on her first trip to Japan
On May 25, 2024, eight TOMODACHI alumni were able to meet the new USJC President and CEO, Audrey Yamamoto for a nice stroll around Imperial Palace in Tokyo followed by lunch. The outdoor event in the beautiful weather stimulated the conversation among alumni and with Audrey, and they bonded by the time they reached the restaurant for even more active conversations.
Will Tien, 2016 TOMODACHI Daiwa House Student Leadership Conference alumnus felt that he had the great honor of meeting Audrey. He said he was able to hear her inspiring experiences, and her visit highlighted the strong support USJC has for the TOMODACHI Initiative, which has had a huge impact on his life, and so many others. He cannot wait for the The U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference, and the upcoming TOMODACHI Next Generation Summit.