Participants Share Seven Months of Learning from the TOMODACHI J&J Disaster Nursing Training Program 2018
On December 2, 2018, the Post-Trip Symposium for the 4th year cohort of the TOMODACHI J&J Disaster Nursing Training Program took place in Sendai City. This year, the symposium’s attendees not only included students from participants’ home universities, but also other school officials and students from the Tohoku region, as well as employees from Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, the program’s generous donor.
At the Post-Trip Symposium, the 4th year cohort shared what they learned throughout the seven-month program, as well as the message they hoped to convey. Building upon a thorough rehearsal on the previous day, the students were full of confidence and a sense of accomplishment on the day of the presentation, and presented in front of a large audience. Looking back on their presentations on the first day of the program, the growth of the participants was beyond all belief. Although each presenter’s time was limited, they presented with much passion, and from time to time, held back tears. The whole audience was naturally drawn into their presentations.
One member of the 4th year cohort, Ayaka Sasaki, commented, ”All of the effort I have put in enabled me to have the confidence I needed for the presentation. After the presentation, I was able to savor a sense of accomplishment I have never felt so strongly before.” Another participant, Yukiyo Toyokawa, also commented, “I feel a sense of joy and freshness because I was able to convey my growth. It would fill me with happiness if my presentation motivated other students.”
A reception held after the Symposium was attended by those involved in the program, as well as other nursing students considering applying for this program in the future. The 4th year cohort answered many questions regarding the detailed training content and their experiences and learning during this program, which could not be covered during the presentations. People in attendance commented, “the striking growth of the students through the program was clearly demonstrated,” and “it gave me a chance to reflect on myself as well, and my hope to be part of the program grew.”
Thanks to this Post-Trip Symposium, the 4th year cohort has taken another stride ahead. The students’ continued outstanding success in their new fields is expected.
Recruitment is now open for the TOMODACHI J&J Disaster Nursing Training Program 2019, click here for more details.